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Featured Miniature Games


The Witcher: Old World

45,162 backers pledged €6,840,648

The Witcher: Old World is an action-packed adventure board game, full of immersive choices and excitingly fresh mechanics. Compete to become the best Witcher or cooperate to defeat Wild Hunt.

Production video

Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Board Game

26,993 backers pledged € 3,834,885

An adventure-driven strategy game for 1-3 players set in the cult fantasy universe. The game includes competitive, cooperative, and solo scenarios to battle and explore your way through.

Unboxing Video

Miniature Games Showcase

Slay the Spire: The Board Game

29,661 backers pledged $ 3,939,337

Awaken Realms Vault: Story Dice

Awaken Realms Vault: Story Dice

5972 backers pledged $527,390

Destinies: Witchwood

6227 backers pledged $636,796

Final Girl

Final Girl

4,942 backers pledged $446,016

Command of Nature

27,450 backers pledged $ 2,090,034

Aeon Trespass: Odyssey

8,184 backers pledged $1,082,551

Sea of Legends

Sea of Legends

4,736 backers pledged $505,208

Masters of the Universe

Masters of the Universe

5,317 backers pledged €912,028

City of the Great Machine

City of the Great Machine

2,306 backers pledged $164,859


Townsfolk Tussle

6,711 backers pledged $436,077



1,851 backers pledged €158,631



2,717 backers pledged $314,374

Miniature Showcase

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